Nick Breetz discusses a new app to keep track of golf handicaps, Simple Handicap. Check out this episode!
This week we explore three major fundraisers in the area. Check out this episode!
Linda Tache discusses the Night en Blanc Fundraiser for the Collaboration Center in Las Vegas. Check out this episode!
A report on things going on at the National Pizza Expo recently held in Las Vegas. Check out this episode!
Inga from Dolce and Chianti guests. Check out this episode!
One of the stars of Potted Potter in Las Vegas, James Edwards guests with Bob Gourley. Check out this episode!
Reps from NV Mental Health Services discuss mental health in the Vegas Valley. Check out this episode!
World reknown Jennifer Lopez tribute artist guests. Check out this episode!
Jordan Hershenhouse, who has Cerebral Palsey, discusses the challenges of living in Las Vegas with a disability. Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley talks to a recipient of a community grant for college given by United Way of Southern Nevada. Check out this episode!