Bob Gourley talks with Clint Holmes about his new show “Soundtrack” in Las Vegas. Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley discusses the spring issue with LV Golf and Leisure Magazine Editor Heidi Chackel. Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley discusses current Vegas trends with Vegas Talk Radio Host Charlie Bass Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley discusses restaurant innovations and a new way to keep from having a hangover. Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley discusses food trends and the TV series “Iron Chef” with celebrity chef Donatella Arpaia. Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley talks to Brian South about “The Wurst Show.” Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley discusses Easter goodies with Chef Flemming of Flemmings Bake Shop in Henderson. Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley discusses new inventions to make your life better. Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley talks to the new CEO of United Way Scott Emerson. Check out this episode!
Bob Gourley discusses the fun of general aviation with CEO Paul Sallach. Check out this episode!